Web Services Documentation is version specific, and different installations of this product may offer different functionality.


This web service contains methods that check the status of sites.

WSDL Definition

GetSiteStatusForServerReturns current status for all sites on a server.


Returns current status for all sites on a server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
ServerIDInt32The numerical ID of the server to check, as defined in SmarterStats. On Professional and Free Editions, 1 should be passed.

Returns SiteStatusResultGroup

ItemsSiteStatusResult[]The individual result items, as detailed in the SiteStatusResult class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
ErrorsStringIndicates any errors that are present on the site. If this field is empty, there are no errors.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site.
StatusCodeStringThe current action being performed by the site, in short form.
StatusMessageStringThe current action being performed by the site, in long, human readable form.
StatusObjectStringThe item or file currently being operated on.

This web service contains methods that can be used to automatically activate a license key during automated installations.

WSDL Definition

ActivateLicenseKeyActivates the license key set by the SetLicenseKey function.
GetLicenseInfoReturns information about the current product license.
GetProductInfoReturns the product name, version, and edition of the SmarterStats installation.
SetLicenseKeySets a license key to ready it for activation. This should be followed with a call to ActivateLicenseKey.


Activates the license key set by the SetLicenseKey function. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
UserNameStringThe email address of the user account with SmarterTools associated with the license key.
PasswordStringThe password associated with the license key.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns information about the current product license. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns LicenseInfoResult

LicenseKeyStringThe license key currently active on this SmarterStats installation.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns the product name, version, and edition of the SmarterStats installation. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns ProductInfoResult

FeatureSetStringIndicates what edition of the product is running on this installation. Can be one of the following:
  • Enterprise
  • Professional
  • Free
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ProductNameStringThe full product name.
ProductVersionStringThe 3 part version of the product, in the format ###.###.###.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Sets a license key to ready it for activation. This should be followed with a call to ActivateLicenseKey. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
keyStringThe license key to set for the product.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.

This web service contains methods that allows arbitrary data queries to be run against a SmarterStats site. Because of the nature of these queries, the operation of this web service is subject to continual change. Systems should not depend on the results of this function being the same from version to version.

WSDL Definition

AvailableQueriesReturns the available queries in SmarterStats.
AvailableQueriesWithInputsReturns the available queries with corresponding inputs in SmarterStats.
ExecuteQueryReturns the results of a query for a site. In order for this function to work, you must manually add a unique authorization code into the AuthorizationCode element of the App_Data\Config\AppConfig.xml file. This code must be at least 10 alphanumeric characters long. For the highest security, it is recommended that this be a GUID.


Returns the available queries in SmarterStats. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns List`1


Returns the available queries with corresponding inputs in SmarterStats. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns List`1



Returns the results of a query for a site. In order for this function to work, you must manually add a unique authorization code into the AuthorizationCode element of the App_Data\Config\AppConfig.xml file. This code must be at least 10 alphanumeric characters long. For the highest security, it is recommended that this be a GUID. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
authorizationCodeStringThe unique authorization code that you set in AppConfig.xml as explained above
queryNameStringThe name of the query that will be ran. A full list of queries available can be found by calling the "AvailableQueries" web service
keyValuePairsString[]The QueryInputs to be used in a KEY=VALUE pair. Also include a 'ServerID' key with the value of the server

Returns QueryResult


This web service contains methods that retrieve and set properties of servers connected to SmarterStats. Multiple servers are only supported by SmarterStats Enteprise, and as a result, most of these functions will only operate under SmarterStats Enterprise.

WSDL Definition

AddServerAdds a server to SmarterStats. Note that the remove SmarterStats service must be installed on that server already. This function only functions properly when SmarterStats is licensed as SmarterStats Enterprise.
DeleteServerDeletes a server from SmarterStats. Note that this function will fail if there are any sites assigned to the server, as they must first be removed through the corresponding function in the SiteAdmin web service.
GetGlobalDefaultsReturns the global settings for SmarterStats, as configured in the application.
GetServersReturns all servers associated with this instance of SmarterStats.
PingServerChecks to ensure that a server configured in SmarterStats can be reached by the primary server.
UpdateServerUpdates the Name or IP Address of an already existing server in SmarterStats.


Adds a server to SmarterStats. Note that the remove SmarterStats service must be installed on that server already. This function only functions properly when SmarterStats is licensed as SmarterStats Enterprise. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
ServerIDInt32The new ID of the server. This number must be unique from other configured servers.
ServerIPStringThe IP Address of the remote server.
ServerNameStringThe display name of the server.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes a server from SmarterStats. Note that this function will fail if there are any sites assigned to the server, as they must first be removed through the corresponding function in the SiteAdmin web service. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
ServerIDInt32The ID of the server to remove, as defined in the SmarterStats interface or in a call to GetServers.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns the global settings for SmarterStats, as configured in the application. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GlobalDefaultsResult

ActivationKeyStringThe encrypted activation string for this installation.
DefaultCustomReportDayRangeInt32The maximum number of days that a custom report item can report on.
DefaultCustomReportItemLimitInt32The maximum number of items that can be added to each custom report.
DefaultLengthToKeepDNSCacheInt32This variable is now unused.
DefaultLogFileDaysInt32The default number of days to keep original log files before auto-deleting them. A value of 0 means never auto-delete.
DefaultMaxMonthsHistoryInt32This variable is now unused.
DefaultMaxSpaceMegsInt32This variable is now unused.
DefaultNumberOfIPToResolveInt32The default maximum number of IP Addresses to run through DNS resolution for each report run.
DefaultNumberOfMiliSecondsToTryResolveIPInt32The default maximum time allowed to resolve IP Addresses through DNS (in milliseconds).
DefaultSmarterLogFileMonthsInt32The default number of months to keep SmarterLog files before auto-deleting them. A value of 0 means never auto-delete.
DefaultSMTPServerStringThe default SMTP server for sites.
DefaultStandardReportDayRangeInt32This variable is now unused.
DocumentExtensionsArrayListAn array of strings with Extensions that signify documents.
DownloadExtensionsArrayListAn array of strings with Extensions that signify downloads.
DynamicPageExtensionsArrayListAn array of strings with Extensions that signify dynamic pages.
EmailReportsMaxRowsToReturnInt32Maximum number of rows that can be returned for a report item in email reports.
EmailReportsSendErrorEmailsBooleanThis variable is true if emails should be sent to the administrator on errors.
EmailReportsSendIntervalInt32The interval, in hours, in which email reports should be processed.
EmailReportsSendOverTimeEmailBooleanThis variable is now unused.
EmailReportsSleepTimeInt32The number of milliseconds that will be waited between each email report.
EmailReportsThreadsToRunAtOnceInt32The number of email reporting threads that run concurrently.
EmailReportsTotalTimeToProcessStringThis variable is now unused.
FromEmailAddressStringThe default from address for emails.
HackAttemptExtensionsArrayListThis variable is unused
ImageExtensionsArrayListAn array of strings with Extensions that signify images.
LicenseKeyStringThe license key activated on this SmarterStats installation.
MaxThreadsToResolveAtOnceInt32The number of DNS Resolutions that can occur simultaneously.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
PageExtensionsArrayListAn array of strings with Extensions that signify pages.
ProblemEmailAddressStringThe email address that will receive notifications of system problems.
ProblemSMTPServerStringThe SMTP server used to send problem notification emails.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
RowOptionsListStringA comma-separated list of options that show up in the 'rows' dropdown in reports.
SmarterStatsAdminStringThis variable is unused
SmarterStatsPasswordStringThis variable is deprecated and will always return an empty string
StandardFontSizeInt32This variable is unused


Returns all servers associated with this instance of SmarterStats. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns ServerInfoArrayResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
ServersServerInfo[]An array of information about each server, as defined in the ServerInfo class.
IPStringThe IP Address of the server.
NameStringThe display name for the server.
ServerIDInt32The numerical ID of the server, as defined in SmarterStats.


Checks to ensure that a server configured in SmarterStats can be reached by the primary server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
ServerIDInt32The ID of the server, as found in the Manage Servers list within the application, or from the call to GetServers.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Updates the Name or IP Address of an already existing server in SmarterStats. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
ServerIDInt32The ID of the server to change, as defined in the SmarterStats interface or in a call to GetServers.
ServerIPStringThe new IP Address of the remote server.
ServerNameStringThe new display name of the server.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.

This web service contains methods that add, update, and remove sites from a SmarterStats configuration.

WSDL Definition

AddSite5Adds a new site to SmarterStats. In the following variables, 'site owner' refers to the primary user for the site.
AddSiteWithFTP3Adds a site that pulls log files from FTP to SmarterStats.
DeleteSiteDeletes a site that exists in the SmarterStats installation.
DeleteSiteByNameDeletes a site that exists in the SmarterStats installation by site name instead of site ID.
GetAllSites2Returns all sites that exist in the SmarterStats installation.
GetRequestedSettingsGets the values of named settings for a site.
GetSite2Returns the configuration details about one site in SmarterStats.
GetSiteByNameReturns the configuration details about one site in SmarterStats (identified by name).
GetSitesForServer2Returns details about all sites for a single server in SmarterStats.
GetSiteStatusReturns the status for one site in SmarterStats.
MoveSite2Moves one site from one server to another within a single SmarterStats installation. Note that this function will only function properly when SmarterStats is licensed as Enterprise Edition.
SetRequestedSettingsSets the passed configuration settings for a site.
UpdateSite4Updates the configuration of a site within SmarterStats.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function AddSite5. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function AddSite5. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function AddSite5. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function AddSite5. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Adds a new site to SmarterStats. In the following variables, 'site owner' refers to the primary user for the site. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
soUserNameStringThe username for the site owner.
soPasswordStringThe desired password for the site owner.
soFirstNameStringThe first name of the site owner.
soLastNameStringThe last name of the site owner.
ServerIDInt32The ID of the server, as shown in the SmarterStats interface. If you are using a Professional or Free Edition of SmarterStats, pass 1 for this value.
SiteIDInt32A numerical ID for the new site. To have one auto-assigned, pass 0 for this value.
DomainNameStringThe display name for the site. Typically, this will be in the format 'example.com'
DomainUrlStringThe URL for the site. Typically this will be in the format 'http://www.example.com'
LogFormatStringThe format of the log files for the site. The value can be one of the following:
  • ApacheCLF
  • ApacheNCSAEx
  • CLF
  • IIS
  • IPlanetCLF
  • NCSA
  • W3Cex
LogLocationsConfigLogLocation[]A list of objects defining where log files for the site are located.
SmarterLogDirectoryStringThe folder that should be used to store the SmarterStats data files for the site. Typically, this is 'C:\SmarterLogs\'.
SmarterLogMonthsBeforeDeleteInt32The number of months to store SmarterStats data for the site before auto-deleting it. Passing -1 will use the default setting for the SmarterStats installation. Passing 0 will never auto-delete.
ExportPathStringThis option is now deprecated and callers should pass an empty string.
ExportPathURLStringThis option is now deprecated and callers should pass an empty string.
TimeZoneIndexInt32The numerical index of a timezone for the site. Possible values for this can be found by opening the registry key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones' and finding the Index value for the time zone you wish to pass. You may also pass -1 to use the default time zone for the server.
AuthenticationMethodInt32The Authentication Method to use for the site. 1 = internal, 2 = external
CompressDaysInt32The number of days before compressing the log files. Pass -1 to never compress.
FilePathStringThe directory of the log source.
FileWildcardStringThe file mask used to determine what files are included in this log source.
IncludeArchiveFilesBooleanTrue to search for log files inside of .zip and .gz archives.
IncludeSubdirectoriesBooleanTrue to include log files stored in subdirectories of the log location.
LocationGuidStringThe internal unique identifier for this log source. For new entries, this should be left blank.
MaxDaysInt32The maximum number of days to keep log files. Pass -1 to keep forever.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function AddSiteWithFTP3. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function AddSiteWithFTP3. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Adds a site that pulls log files from FTP to SmarterStats. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
soUserNameStringThe username for the site owner.
soPasswordStringThe desired password for the site owner.
soFirstNameStringThe first name of the site owner.
soLastNameStringThe last name of the site owner.
ServerIDInt32The ID of the server, as shown in the SmarterStats interface. If you are using a Professional or Free Edition of SmarterStats, pass 1 for this value.
SiteIDInt32A numerical ID for the new site. To have one auto-assigned, pass 0 for this value.
DomainNameStringThe display name for the site. Typically, this will be in the format 'example.com'
LogFormatStringThe format of the log files for the site. The value can be one of the following:
  • ApacheCLF
  • ApacheNCSAEx
  • CLF
  • IIS
  • IPlanetCLF
  • NCSA
  • W3Cex
LogWildcardStringThe wildcard of log files that will be searched for on the FTP server. This should be in the format '*.log' or something similar.
LogDaysBeforeDeleteInt32This setting does not apply to FTP sites. Set value to 0
SmarterLogDirectoryStringThe folder that should be used to store the SmarterStats data files for the site. Typically, this is 'C:\SmarterLogs\'.
SmarterLogMonthsBeforeDeleteInt32The number of months to store SmarterStats data for the site before auto-deleting it. Passing -1 will use the default setting for the SmarterStats installation. Passing 0 will never auto-delete.
ExportPathStringThis option is now deprecated and callers should pass an empty string.
ExportPathURLStringThis option is now deprecated and callers should pass an empty string.
TimeZoneIndexInt32The numerical index of a timezone for the site. Possible values for this can be found by opening the registry key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones' and finding the Index value for the time zone you wish to pass. You may also pass -1 to use the default time zone for the server.
DirectoryStringThe directory in which the logs are stored on the FTP server.
ProxyTypeStringThis setting is currently unused.
ProxyAddressStringThis setting is currently unused.
ProxyPortInt32This setting is currently unused.
ProxyUserNameStringThis setting is currently unused.
ProxyPasswordStringThis setting is currently unused.
ServerStringThe hostname or IP Address of the FTP server.
PortInt32The port used to connect to the FTP server.
UsernameStringThe username used to authenticate on the FTP server.
PasswordStringThe password used to authenticate on the FTP server.
IntervalHoursInt32The number of hours between FTP download attempts.
AuthenticationMethodInt32The Authentication Method to use for the site. 1 = internal, 2 = external

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes a site that exists in the SmarterStats installation. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site to delete, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.
DeleteFilesBooleanPass true to delete the SmarterStats data files for the site, or false to retain them. In most cases, this parameter should be true.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes a site that exists in the SmarterStats installation by site name instead of site ID. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteNameStringThe name of the site to delete, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.
DeleteFilesBooleanPass true to delete the SmarterStats data files for the site, or false to retain them. In most cases, this parameter should be true.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function GetAllSites2. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Returns all sites that exist in the SmarterStats installation. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
IncludeDetailsBooleanPass true to get details about each site, such as log file location and other configuration data. Pass false if you just want a list of sites and their IDs.

Returns SiteSettingInfoArrayResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
SitesSiteSettingInfo[]An array of details about the sites, as defined in the SiteSettingInfo class.
authenticationTypeStringThe Authentication type the site is using.
DomainNameStringThe display name for the site. Typically, this will be in the format 'example.com'.
ExportPathStringThe file path that is used for exporting log files. This path should be accessible through the file system and also through a website URL.
ExportPathURLStringThe web site URL that corresponds to the ExportPath value.
ftp_DirectoryStringThe directory in which the logs are stored on the FTP server.
ftp_EnabledBooleanTrue if FTP downloaded logs are enabled for the site.
ftp_IntervalInt32The number of hours between FTP download attempts.
ftp_LogMaxDaysInt32The number of days old original log files should be before SmarterStats attempts to delete them automatically. 0 indicates logs will never be auto-deleted.
ftp_LogWildcardStringThe wildcard of log files that will be searched for on the FTP server. This should be in the format '*.log' or something similar.
ftp_PasswordStringThe password to be used to login to the FTP server.
ftp_portInt32The port number to use to connect to the FTP server.
ftp_ProxyAddressStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyPasswordStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyPortInt32This setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyTypeStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyUsernameStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ServerStringThe hostname or IP Address of the FTP server.
ftp_UsernameStringThe username to be used to login to the FTP server.
LogFormatStringThe format of the log files for the site. The value can be one of the following:
  • ApacheCLF
  • ApacheNCSAEx
  • CLF
  • IIS
  • IPlanetCLF
  • NCSA
  • W3Cex
LogLocationsConfigLogLocation[]A list of objects defining where log files for the site are located.
ServerIDInt32The numerical ID of the server on which the site resides, as defined in SmarterStats.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID that identifies this site within SmarterStats.
SiteStatusStringAn indicator of the current status of the site.
SmarterLogDirectoryStringThe folder that is used to store the SmarterStats data files for the site. Typically, this is 'C:\SmarterLogs\'.
SmarterLogMonthsBeforeDeleteInt32The number of months to store SmarterStats data for the site before auto-deleting it. 0 indicates data will never be auto-deleted.
TimeZoneIndexInt32The numerical index of a timezone for the site. Possible values for this can be found by opening the registry key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones' and referring to the Index value for the time zones. -1 indicates to use the default time zone for the server.
CompressDaysInt32The number of days before compressing the log files. Pass -1 to never compress.
FilePathStringThe directory of the log source.
FileWildcardStringThe file mask used to determine what files are included in this log source.
IncludeArchiveFilesBooleanTrue to search for log files inside of .zip and .gz archives.
IncludeSubdirectoriesBooleanTrue to include log files stored in subdirectories of the log location.
LocationGuidStringThe internal unique identifier for this log source. For new entries, this should be left blank.
MaxDaysInt32The maximum number of days to keep log files. Pass -1 to keep forever.


Gets the values of named settings for a site. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.
keysString[]The settings that you wish to retrieve from the installation. Possible keys are:
  • SiteUrl: The base URL of the site
valuesString[]&(OUT) The values of the keys requested, in the format 'key=value'

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function GetSite2. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Returns the configuration details about one site in SmarterStats. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site to get information about, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.

Returns SiteSettingInfoResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
SiteSiteSettingInfoInformation about the site, as defined in the SiteSettingInfo class.
authenticationTypeStringThe Authentication type the site is using.
DomainNameStringThe display name for the site. Typically, this will be in the format 'example.com'.
ExportPathStringThe file path that is used for exporting log files. This path should be accessible through the file system and also through a website URL.
ExportPathURLStringThe web site URL that corresponds to the ExportPath value.
ftp_DirectoryStringThe directory in which the logs are stored on the FTP server.
ftp_EnabledBooleanTrue if FTP downloaded logs are enabled for the site.
ftp_IntervalInt32The number of hours between FTP download attempts.
ftp_LogMaxDaysInt32The number of days old original log files should be before SmarterStats attempts to delete them automatically. 0 indicates logs will never be auto-deleted.
ftp_LogWildcardStringThe wildcard of log files that will be searched for on the FTP server. This should be in the format '*.log' or something similar.
ftp_PasswordStringThe password to be used to login to the FTP server.
ftp_portInt32The port number to use to connect to the FTP server.
ftp_ProxyAddressStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyPasswordStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyPortInt32This setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyTypeStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyUsernameStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ServerStringThe hostname or IP Address of the FTP server.
ftp_UsernameStringThe username to be used to login to the FTP server.
LogFormatStringThe format of the log files for the site. The value can be one of the following:
  • ApacheCLF
  • ApacheNCSAEx
  • CLF
  • IIS
  • IPlanetCLF
  • NCSA
  • W3Cex
LogLocationsConfigLogLocation[]A list of objects defining where log files for the site are located.
ServerIDInt32The numerical ID of the server on which the site resides, as defined in SmarterStats.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID that identifies this site within SmarterStats.
SiteStatusStringAn indicator of the current status of the site.
SmarterLogDirectoryStringThe folder that is used to store the SmarterStats data files for the site. Typically, this is 'C:\SmarterLogs\'.
SmarterLogMonthsBeforeDeleteInt32The number of months to store SmarterStats data for the site before auto-deleting it. 0 indicates data will never be auto-deleted.
TimeZoneIndexInt32The numerical index of a timezone for the site. Possible values for this can be found by opening the registry key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones' and referring to the Index value for the time zones. -1 indicates to use the default time zone for the server.
CompressDaysInt32The number of days before compressing the log files. Pass -1 to never compress.
FilePathStringThe directory of the log source.
FileWildcardStringThe file mask used to determine what files are included in this log source.
IncludeArchiveFilesBooleanTrue to search for log files inside of .zip and .gz archives.
IncludeSubdirectoriesBooleanTrue to include log files stored in subdirectories of the log location.
LocationGuidStringThe internal unique identifier for this log source. For new entries, this should be left blank.
MaxDaysInt32The maximum number of days to keep log files. Pass -1 to keep forever.


Returns the configuration details about one site in SmarterStats (identified by name). View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
siteNameStringThe name of the site to get information about, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.

Returns SiteSettingInfoResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
SiteSiteSettingInfoInformation about the site, as defined in the SiteSettingInfo class.
authenticationTypeStringThe Authentication type the site is using.
DomainNameStringThe display name for the site. Typically, this will be in the format 'example.com'.
ExportPathStringThe file path that is used for exporting log files. This path should be accessible through the file system and also through a website URL.
ExportPathURLStringThe web site URL that corresponds to the ExportPath value.
ftp_DirectoryStringThe directory in which the logs are stored on the FTP server.
ftp_EnabledBooleanTrue if FTP downloaded logs are enabled for the site.
ftp_IntervalInt32The number of hours between FTP download attempts.
ftp_LogMaxDaysInt32The number of days old original log files should be before SmarterStats attempts to delete them automatically. 0 indicates logs will never be auto-deleted.
ftp_LogWildcardStringThe wildcard of log files that will be searched for on the FTP server. This should be in the format '*.log' or something similar.
ftp_PasswordStringThe password to be used to login to the FTP server.
ftp_portInt32The port number to use to connect to the FTP server.
ftp_ProxyAddressStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyPasswordStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyPortInt32This setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyTypeStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyUsernameStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ServerStringThe hostname or IP Address of the FTP server.
ftp_UsernameStringThe username to be used to login to the FTP server.
LogFormatStringThe format of the log files for the site. The value can be one of the following:
  • ApacheCLF
  • ApacheNCSAEx
  • CLF
  • IIS
  • IPlanetCLF
  • NCSA
  • W3Cex
LogLocationsConfigLogLocation[]A list of objects defining where log files for the site are located.
ServerIDInt32The numerical ID of the server on which the site resides, as defined in SmarterStats.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID that identifies this site within SmarterStats.
SiteStatusStringAn indicator of the current status of the site.
SmarterLogDirectoryStringThe folder that is used to store the SmarterStats data files for the site. Typically, this is 'C:\SmarterLogs\'.
SmarterLogMonthsBeforeDeleteInt32The number of months to store SmarterStats data for the site before auto-deleting it. 0 indicates data will never be auto-deleted.
TimeZoneIndexInt32The numerical index of a timezone for the site. Possible values for this can be found by opening the registry key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones' and referring to the Index value for the time zones. -1 indicates to use the default time zone for the server.
CompressDaysInt32The number of days before compressing the log files. Pass -1 to never compress.
FilePathStringThe directory of the log source.
FileWildcardStringThe file mask used to determine what files are included in this log source.
IncludeArchiveFilesBooleanTrue to search for log files inside of .zip and .gz archives.
IncludeSubdirectoriesBooleanTrue to include log files stored in subdirectories of the log location.
LocationGuidStringThe internal unique identifier for this log source. For new entries, this should be left blank.
MaxDaysInt32The maximum number of days to keep log files. Pass -1 to keep forever.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function GetSitesForServer2. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Returns details about all sites for a single server in SmarterStats. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
ServerIDInt32The numerical ID of the server, as defined in your SmarterStats installation. For Professional and Free Edition, pass 1 as the value.
IncludeDetailsBooleanPass true to get details about each site, such as log file location and other configuration data. Pass false if you just want a list of sites and their IDs.

Returns SiteSettingInfoArrayResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
SitesSiteSettingInfo[]An array of details about the sites, as defined in the SiteSettingInfo class.
authenticationTypeStringThe Authentication type the site is using.
DomainNameStringThe display name for the site. Typically, this will be in the format 'example.com'.
ExportPathStringThe file path that is used for exporting log files. This path should be accessible through the file system and also through a website URL.
ExportPathURLStringThe web site URL that corresponds to the ExportPath value.
ftp_DirectoryStringThe directory in which the logs are stored on the FTP server.
ftp_EnabledBooleanTrue if FTP downloaded logs are enabled for the site.
ftp_IntervalInt32The number of hours between FTP download attempts.
ftp_LogMaxDaysInt32The number of days old original log files should be before SmarterStats attempts to delete them automatically. 0 indicates logs will never be auto-deleted.
ftp_LogWildcardStringThe wildcard of log files that will be searched for on the FTP server. This should be in the format '*.log' or something similar.
ftp_PasswordStringThe password to be used to login to the FTP server.
ftp_portInt32The port number to use to connect to the FTP server.
ftp_ProxyAddressStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyPasswordStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyPortInt32This setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyTypeStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyUsernameStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ServerStringThe hostname or IP Address of the FTP server.
ftp_UsernameStringThe username to be used to login to the FTP server.
LogFormatStringThe format of the log files for the site. The value can be one of the following:
  • ApacheCLF
  • ApacheNCSAEx
  • CLF
  • IIS
  • IPlanetCLF
  • NCSA
  • W3Cex
LogLocationsConfigLogLocation[]A list of objects defining where log files for the site are located.
ServerIDInt32The numerical ID of the server on which the site resides, as defined in SmarterStats.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID that identifies this site within SmarterStats.
SiteStatusStringAn indicator of the current status of the site.
SmarterLogDirectoryStringThe folder that is used to store the SmarterStats data files for the site. Typically, this is 'C:\SmarterLogs\'.
SmarterLogMonthsBeforeDeleteInt32The number of months to store SmarterStats data for the site before auto-deleting it. 0 indicates data will never be auto-deleted.
TimeZoneIndexInt32The numerical index of a timezone for the site. Possible values for this can be found by opening the registry key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones' and referring to the Index value for the time zones. -1 indicates to use the default time zone for the server.
CompressDaysInt32The number of days before compressing the log files. Pass -1 to never compress.
FilePathStringThe directory of the log source.
FileWildcardStringThe file mask used to determine what files are included in this log source.
IncludeArchiveFilesBooleanTrue to search for log files inside of .zip and .gz archives.
IncludeSubdirectoriesBooleanTrue to include log files stored in subdirectories of the log location.
LocationGuidStringThe internal unique identifier for this log source. For new entries, this should be left blank.
MaxDaysInt32The maximum number of days to keep log files. Pass -1 to keep forever.


Returns the status for one site in SmarterStats. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site to get information about, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.

Returns SiteInfoResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
SiteSiteInfoDetails about the site, as defined in the SiteInfo class.
AuthenticationTypeStringThe Authentication type the site is using.
DomainNameStringThe display name for the site. Typically, this will be in the format 'example.com'.
ExportPathStringThe file path that is used for exporting log files. This path should be accessible through the file system and also through a website URL.
ExportPathURLStringThe web site URL that corresponds to the ExportPath value.
ftp_DirectoryStringThe directory in which the logs are stored on the FTP server.
ftp_EnabledBooleanTrue if FTP downloaded logs are enabled for the site.
ftp_IntervalInt32The number of hours between FTP download attempts.
ftp_PasswordStringThe password to be used to login to the FTP server.
ftp_portInt32The port number to use to connect to the FTP server.
ftp_ProxyAddressStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyPasswordStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyPortInt32This setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyTypeStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ProxyUsernameStringThis setting is currently unused.
ftp_ServerStringThe hostname or IP Address of the FTP server.
ftp_UsernameStringThe username to be used to login to the FTP server.
LogDaysBeforeDeleteInt32The number of days old original log files should be before SmarterStats attempts to delete them automatically. 0 indicates logs will never be auto-deleted.
LogDirectoryStringThe directory in which original log files reside.
LogFormatStringThe format of the log files for the site. The value can be one of the following:
  • ApacheCLF
  • ApacheNCSAEx
  • CLF
  • IIS
  • IPlanetCLF
  • NCSA
  • W3Cex
LogWildcardStringThe wildcard of log files that will be searched for on the FTP server. This should be in the format '*.log' or something similar.
ServerIDInt32The numerical ID of the server on which the site resides, as defined in SmarterStats.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID that identifies this site within SmarterStats.
SiteStatusStringAn indicator of the current status of the site.
SmarterLogDirectoryStringThe folder that is used to store the SmarterStats data files for the site. Typically, this is 'C:\SmarterLogs\'.
SmarterLogMonthsBeforeDeleteInt32The number of months to store SmarterStats data for the site before auto-deleting it. 0 indicates data will never be auto-deleted.
TimeZoneIndexInt32The numerical index of a timezone for the site. Possible values for this can be found by opening the registry key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones' and referring to the Index value for the time zones. -1 indicates to use the default time zone for the server.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function MoveSite2. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Moves one site from one server to another within a single SmarterStats installation. Note that this function will only function properly when SmarterStats is licensed as Enterprise Edition. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site to move, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.
DestServerIDInt32The numerical ID of the server to which the site should be moved, as defined in SmarterStats.
DestSmarterLogPathStringThe SmarterLog path that should be used on the new server.
DestConfigLogPathsConfigLogLocation[]The new log locations as they should be configured once the site move is complete. Paths should be relative to the new server.
DestExportPathStringThe new export log file path relative to the new server.
DestExportPathURLStringThe web site URL that represents the DestExportPath.
CopyFilesBooleanPass true to have SmarterStats copy all SmarterLog data from the source server to the destination. Pass false if you only wish to have the configuration changed without any data files being moved. (Note that passing false may result in a loss of data)
CompressDaysInt32The number of days before compressing the log files. Pass -1 to never compress.
FilePathStringThe directory of the log source.
FileWildcardStringThe file mask used to determine what files are included in this log source.
IncludeArchiveFilesBooleanTrue to search for log files inside of .zip and .gz archives.
IncludeSubdirectoriesBooleanTrue to include log files stored in subdirectories of the log location.
LocationGuidStringThe internal unique identifier for this log source. For new entries, this should be left blank.
MaxDaysInt32The maximum number of days to keep log files. Pass -1 to keep forever.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Sets the passed configuration settings for a site. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site to modify, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.
keyValuePairsString[]A list of variables to set, formatted as key=value pairs. Possible keys are:
  • SiteUrl: The base URL of the site

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function UpdateSite3. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function UpdateSite4. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function UpdateSite4. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Updates the configuration of a site within SmarterStats. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site to modify, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.
DomainNameStringThe display name for the site. Typically, this will be in the format 'example.com'
LogFormatStringThe format of the log files for the site. The value can be one of the following:
  • ApacheCLF
  • ApacheNCSAEx
  • CLF
  • IIS
  • IPlanetCLF
  • NCSA
  • W3Cex
LogLocationsConfigLogLocation[]A list of objects defining where log files for the site are located.
SmarterLogDirectoryStringThe folder that should be used to store the SmarterStats data files for the site. Typically, this is 'C:\SmarterLogs\'.
SmarterLogMonthsBeforeDeleteInt32The number of months to store SmarterStats data for the site before auto-deleting it. Passing -1 will use the default setting for the SmarterStats installation. Passing 0 will never auto-delete.
ExportPathStringThis option is now deprecated and callers should pass an empty string.
ExportPathURLStringThis option is now deprecated and callers should pass an empty string.
TimeZoneIndexInt32The numerical index of a timezone for the site. Possible values for this can be found by opening the registry key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones' and finding the Index value for the time zone you wish to pass. You may also pass -1 to use the default time zone for the server.
AuthenticationMethodInt32The Authentication Method to use for the site. 1 = internal, 2 = external
CompressDaysInt32The number of days before compressing the log files. Pass -1 to never compress.
FilePathStringThe directory of the log source.
FileWildcardStringThe file mask used to determine what files are included in this log source.
IncludeArchiveFilesBooleanTrue to search for log files inside of .zip and .gz archives.
IncludeSubdirectoriesBooleanTrue to include log files stored in subdirectories of the log location.
LocationGuidStringThe internal unique identifier for this log source. For new entries, this should be left blank.
MaxDaysInt32The maximum number of days to keep log files. Pass -1 to keep forever.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.

This web service contains methods that control site tuning for sites on your SmarterStats installation.

WSDL Definition

GetSiteTuningIssues2Returns a list of issues found in site tuning for a specific site.
GetSiteTuningSettings2Get site tuning settings for a specific site.
SetSiteTuningSettings2Set site tuning settings.
StartSiteTuning2Start site tuning scan for a site.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function GetSiteTuningIssues2. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Returns a list of issues found in site tuning for a specific site. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.

Returns TuningIssueResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
TuningIssuesSiteTuningIssue[]List of issues found in site tuning scan.
DescriptionStringThe textual description of an issue.
SeverityStringThe severity of an issue. Possible values are:
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
TypeStringThe type/category of an issue.
UrlStringThe URL in which the issue occurred.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function GetSiteTuningSettings2. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Get site tuning settings for a specific site. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.

Returns TuningResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
TuningSettingsSiteTuningSettingsContains all the tuning settings for a specific site.
EnabledBooleanTrue if site tuning is enabled for the site.
MaxPagesInt32The maximum number of pages that will be scanned for the site during a site tuning session.
MaxPagesPerMinuteInt32The maximum rate at which pages will be scanned in a site tuning session.
MaxQueryPagesInt32The maximum number of query string variants that can be passed to a page before site tuning starts ignoring the page.
ScanFrequencyInt32This variable is currently unused.
SiteIdInt32The numerical ID of the site, as defined in SmarterStats.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function SetSiteTuningSettings2. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Set site tuning settings. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.
EnabledBooleanPass a value of true to enable site tuning on the site. Pass false to disable site tuning for the site.
ScanFrequencyInt32This property is reserved for future use. Implementors should pass a value of 30.
MaxPagesInt32The maximum number of pages that will be scanned during a site tuning pass. Once this number of pages is hit, site tuning will abort the scan.
MaxPagesPerMinuteInt32The pages per minute that will be scanned during a site tuning pass. Set this value higher than 10 if you control the web server and do not mind the higher load of requests.
MaxQueryPagesInt32The maximum number of query string variants that will be scanned for a page before the site tuning scanner ignores that page.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function StartSiteTuning2. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Start site tuning scan for a site. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.

This web service contains methods that return basic activity statistics (hits, visits, views, and bandwidth) for sites and servers in your SmarterStats installation.

WSDL Definition

GetActivityForServerReturns grand total activity stats for all the sites on a single server.
GetActivityForSiteReturns grand total activity stats for a single site. This function can be called by the system administrator or by a site administrator.
GetActivityForSiteGroupedReturns activity stats for a site, grouped by a specific time period. This allows you to retrieve activity by day, month, etc. This function can be called by the system administrator or a site user.
GetVisitsForSiteReturns information about unique, new, and return visitors to a site, grouped by a specific time period. This allows you to retrieve activity by day, month, etc. This function can be called by the system administrator or a site user.


Returns grand total activity stats for all the sites on a single server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
ServerIDInt32The numerical ID of the server to query, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.
StartDateDateTimeThe date from which the query should start calculating (inclusive).
EndDateDateTimeThe date to which the query should calculate (inclusive).

Returns ActivityResultGroup

ItemsActivityResult[]A list of results, as defined in the ActivityResult class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
BandwidthBytesInt64Bandwidth in bytes.
RawBandwidthBytesInt64Raw Bandwidth in bytes (raw bandwidth ignores import filters and exclusions).
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site, as defined in SmarterStats.
SiteNameStringThe display name for the site.
ViewsInt64Page Views.
VisitsInt64Visits (sessions).


Returns grand total activity stats for a single site. This function can be called by the system administrator or by a site administrator. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site to query, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.
StartDateDateTimeThe date from which the query should start calculating (inclusive).
EndDateDateTimeThe date to which the query should calculate (inclusive).

Returns ActivityResultGroup

ItemsActivityResult[]A list of results, as defined in the ActivityResult class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
BandwidthBytesInt64Bandwidth in bytes.
RawBandwidthBytesInt64Raw Bandwidth in bytes (raw bandwidth ignores import filters and exclusions).
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site, as defined in SmarterStats.
SiteNameStringThe display name for the site.
ViewsInt64Page Views.
VisitsInt64Visits (sessions).


Returns activity stats for a site, grouped by a specific time period. This allows you to retrieve activity by day, month, etc. This function can be called by the system administrator or a site user. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
siteIdInt32The numerical ID of the site to query, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.
startDateDateTimeThe date from which the query should start calculating (inclusive).
endDateDateTimeThe date to which the query should calculate (inclusive).
groupByStringThe method of grouping the resulting data. The values for this variable can be one of:
  • hour
  • day
  • week
  • month
  • quarter
  • dayofweek
  • oneresult

Returns ActivityItemResult

ItemsActivityItem[]A list of results, as defined in the ActivityItem class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
BandwidthBytesInt64Bandwidth in bytes.
DateDateTimeThe date this record represents.
RawBandwidthBytesInt64Raw Bandwidth in bytes (raw bandwidth ignores import filters and exclusions).
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site, as defined in SmarterStats.
SiteNameStringThe display name for the site.
ViewsInt64Page Views.
VisitsInt64Visits (sessions).


Returns information about unique, new, and return visitors to a site, grouped by a specific time period. This allows you to retrieve activity by day, month, etc. This function can be called by the system administrator or a site user. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
siteIdInt32The numerical ID of the site to query, as defined in your SmarterStats installation.
startDateDateTimeThe date from which the query should start calculating (inclusive).
endDateDateTimeThe date to which the query should calculate (inclusive).
groupByStringThe method of grouping the resulting data. The values for this variable can be one of:
  • hourly
  • daily
  • weekly
  • dayofweek
  • monthly
  • quarterly
  • oneresult: returns a single row with a grand total

Returns VisitsItemResult

ItemsVisitsItem[]A list of results, as defined in the VisitsItem class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
DateDateTimeThe date this record represents.
NewVisitsInt64New Visitors.
ReturningVisitsInt64Return Visitors.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site, as defined in SmarterStats.
SiteNameStringThe display name for the site.
UniqueVisitsInt64Unique Visitors.
VisitsInt64Visits (sessions).

This web service contains methods that allow you to quickly update the settings for all sites at once.

WSDL Definition

GetGlobalUpdateStatusGets the status of the process that is performing the action previously started in UpdateAllDomainSettings.
ListGlobalUpdateFieldsReturns a list of all fields that can be globally configured using the UpdateAllDomainSettings function.
UpdateAllDomainSettingsBegins the process of setting the specified properties on all sites of the installation. This function will return quickly, then continue to apply the settings in a background process. The status of the process can be retrieved by using the GetGlobalUpdateStatus function.


Gets the status of the process that is performing the action previously started in UpdateAllDomainSettings. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GlobalUpdateStatusResult

finishedCountInt32The number of updates that have been completed.
isRunningBooleanTrue if the update process is still running.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
totalUpdateCountInt32The total number of updates to perform.


Returns a list of all fields that can be globally configured using the UpdateAllDomainSettings function. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GlobalUpdateFieldListResult

fieldsGlobalUpdateFieldInfoResult[]A list of fields, as defined in GlobalUpdateFieldInfoResult.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
defaultValueStringThe default value of the field in SmarterStats.
descriptionStringA description of what the field represents.
nameStringThe name of the field.
typeStringThe data type of the field.


Begins the process of setting the specified properties on all sites of the installation. This function will return quickly, then continue to apply the settings in a background process. The status of the process can be retrieved by using the GetGlobalUpdateStatus function. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
fieldsDomainSettingFieldStruct[]An array of structures that define names and values of properties to set. The possible names of properties that can be set by this function are available by calling ListGlobalUpdateFields.
nameStringThe name of the variable.
valStringThe value of the variable.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.

This web service contains methods that add, edit, and delete authenticated users from SmarterStats sites.

WSDL Definition

AddUser2Adds a site user or site administrator to a SmarterStats site. If site is set to use an external provider for authentication, it must be added there as well before user can log in.
DeleteUserDeletes a user from a site. The user to be deleted must not be the site owner. If you wish to delete a site owner, you must first use the SiteSiteOwner function to assign a different user.
GetUserReturns information about a specific user for a site.
GetUser2Returns information about a specific user for a site.
GetUsersReturns a list of all users for a site.
GetUsers2Returns a list of all users for a site.
SetSiteOwnerSets a user to be the site owner for a site. Every site must have one and only one site owner, and the site owner cannot be deleted without another user taking its place.
UpdateUser2Updates the properties for a user of a SmarterStats site. If site is set to use an external provider for authentication, it must be added there as well before user can log in.
ValidateLoginValidates the login credentials for a specific site user.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function AddUser2. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Adds a site user or site administrator to a SmarterStats site. If site is set to use an external provider for authentication, it must be added there as well before user can log in. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site to which the user should be added.
UserNameStringThe username that will be used by the user to login to SmarterStats.
PasswordStringThe password with which the user will authenticate. Ignored if external provider is used for authentication.
FirstNameStringThe first name of the new user.
LastNameStringThe last name of the new user.
IsAdminBooleanIf this variable is set to true, the user will be added as a site administrator. If false, the user will be added as a standard site user.
propertiesString[]A list of 'name=value' pairs of variables to set. The available variable names are:
  • EmailAddress: Used for password recovery

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes a user from a site. The user to be deleted must not be the site owner. If you wish to delete a site owner, you must first use the SiteSiteOwner function to assign a different user. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site to which the user belongs.
UserNameStringThe username for the user you wish to delete.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns information about a specific user for a site. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site to which the user belongs.
UserNameStringThe username for the user you wish to inspect.

Returns UserInfoResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
userUserInfoA user detail record, as defined in the UserInfo class.
FirstNameStringThe first name of the user.
IsAdminBooleanTrue if the user is a site administrator.
IsSiteOwnerBooleanTrue if the user is the site owner for a site (primary administrator).
LastNameStringThe last name of the user.
PasswordStringThe login password for the user.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site, as defined in SmarterStats.
UserNameStringThe login username for the user.


Returns information about a specific user for a site. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site to which the user belongs.
UserNameStringThe username for the user you wish to inspect.

Returns UserInfoResult2

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
UserUserInfo2A user detail record, as defined in the UserInfo2 class.
EmailAddressStringThe email address of the user.
FirstNameStringThe first name of the user.
IsAdminBooleanTrue if the user is a site administrator.
IsSiteOwnerBooleanTrue if the user is the site owner for a site (primary administrator).
LastNameStringThe last name of the user.
PasswordStringThe login password for the user.
PropertiesString[]Other properties of a user
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site, as defined in SmarterStats.
UserNameStringThe login username for the user.


Returns a list of all users for a site. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site.

Returns UserInfoResultArray

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
userUserInfo[]A list of user details, as defined in the UserInfo class.
FirstNameStringThe first name of the user.
IsAdminBooleanTrue if the user is a site administrator.
IsSiteOwnerBooleanTrue if the user is the site owner for a site (primary administrator).
LastNameStringThe last name of the user.
PasswordStringThe login password for the user.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site, as defined in SmarterStats.
UserNameStringThe login username for the user.


Returns a list of all users for a site. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site.

Returns UserInfoResultArray2

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
UsersUserInfo2[]A list of user details, as defined in the UserInfo class.
EmailAddressStringThe email address of the user.
FirstNameStringThe first name of the user.
IsAdminBooleanTrue if the user is a site administrator.
IsSiteOwnerBooleanTrue if the user is the site owner for a site (primary administrator).
LastNameStringThe last name of the user.
PasswordStringThe login password for the user.
PropertiesString[]Other properties of a user
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site, as defined in SmarterStats.
UserNameStringThe login username for the user.


Sets a user to be the site owner for a site. Every site must have one and only one site owner, and the site owner cannot be deleted without another user taking its place. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site.
UserNameStringThe username for the user that should become the new site owner.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete and has been replaced with the function UpdateUser. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Updates the properties for a user of a SmarterStats site. If site is set to use an external provider for authentication, it must be added there as well before user can log in. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site to which the user belongs.
UserNameStringThe username for the user you wish to modify.
PasswordStringThe new password with which the user will authenticate. Ignored if the site is set to use external provider for authentication.
FirstNameStringThe new first name of the new user.
LastNameStringThe new last name of the new user.
IsAdminBooleanIf this variable is set to true, the user will be changed to be a site administrator. If false, the user will changed to be a standard site user.
propertiesString[]A list of 'name=value' pairs of variables to set. The available variable names are:
  • EmailAddress: Used for password recovery

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Validates the login credentials for a specific site user. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
SiteIDInt32The numerical ID of the site.
UserNameStringThe username for the user for which you want to attempt a login.
PasswordStringThe password entered by the user.

Returns LoginResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.